Eyesparks web design

Bespoke Design

We have all the skills and experience to offer a full bespoke, end-to-end, design and development gamified learning service.


Consultation and Content

We consult with you to discuss and fully understand your project, the learning objectives
and your learners. Our instructional designers work with your  existing content, or source a content matter expert, to devise the interactive learning materials.


Creative and Design

Our design team brainstorm a gamified experience that will best engage the target  learners and deliver the learning. We sketch and design the audio/visual interactive  experience. Our instructional designers will write the content and audio scripts.


Development and Support

Our developers will build an interactive prototype to test with a focus group of users. Our entire team will collaborate to create the finished gamified learning experience including all graphics and audio. We will host the finished interactive web application or liaise with your team to install it on your preferred platform.